Monday, July 21, 2008

Bankruptcy: An Honest Mistake...

While typing the Ten Things about Weng, i made a mistake, writing bankrupcy instead of exploitation.

Bankruptcy: An Honest Mistake...

When you have read my archive which entitled “Ten Things About Weng” before this day then you must have read the word bankruptcy on the number 10. You might noticed that the word was kinda irrelevant to my explanation. It was kinda funny because I was out of my mind when I put that. I was so busy studying then for the exams the day after when the idea to post something about me on my blog popped into my mind. It so happened that Thomas Carlyle (a philosopher whose ideas are one of the focuses of our study in one of our major subjects) hates democracy because this would lead to bankruptcy (people want to be in the position because of power and money). Democracy itself is not really the “rule of the people” but rather “rule of the fools” because idiots and uneducated are majority in the society. When I read the archive again I was not able to help my self not to laugh. The word “bankruptcy” was not really the word I wanted to write, however, my mind was not able to grasp the right term which I supposed to. But that’s okay though. The circumstance made me realized that I’ve learned lessons from school. Isn’t that great? Naa diay nagasink in sa akong utok... hehehe


Anonymous said...

"nothing makes a new day
more promising than having
the right heart,
the right spirit,
the right mind,
and the right strength that
comes from God.