Monday, July 21, 2008

Ten Things about Weng

there was i time that i share the ten things about me.

Ten Things About Weng

There some characteristics/attitudes of mine that other people still don't know about.. So i decided to list 10 of them to share it to you... If you want to know me better just read below.

Ten Things about Louella Marie Valdez Lacson:

1. Frustrated Singer. Whenever i get the chance, i go videoke. I don't have that golden voice(which i wish i have) actually, I just love to sing that's all.

2. A Child at Heart. I'm 19 now, an adult but I still don't feel I am. I still believe in fairy tales.

3. Liberated. I am an open minded person. I don't easily judge people.

4. Love Literature and History. I love reading classical poetries and stories. My favorite classical writer is Edgar Allan Poe(John Grisham in this contemporary period). I'm also interested in different events and great people in the past. I kinda interested with the story of Henry VIII(the most controversial King of the middle ages) and the rest of the Teodor actually.

5. Geography-Fascinated. I love places. When i was in high school, i used to memorize the capitals of the world but i was not able to memorize them all, only Asia and Europe. And when I get rich, i wanna travel the world.

6. Funny. I always want people to laugh and smile.

7. Actress. I used to join in a drama club at school . I have also joined some drama contests just for fun and to show my talent.

8. Hates Plastic/back biter. I hate pretender, the one who is very nice in front of you but destroys your personhood when you are not around. I knew one like that, she used to dig the most secretive part of your being then make a story out of it... didn't get to catch her talking nasty stuffs at my back yet but she had actually done that to a friend, now I'm running away from her and carefull of my language if she's around because I might be a victim if I wont do that. I don't judge her being like but her attitude annoys me so the least thing I can do for now is to run away from her.

9. One Man Woman. I make sure that when i get into a relationship there's no third party at my part. I am always loyal and faithful to the guy I am with.

10. Likes to Work Alone. I make sure that when i do some projects or anything, I do it my way. I don't like the idea of groupwork or teamwork, that leads to human exploitation and laziness. If we are in a group most likely others would tend to put all the work on the hand of the person who is industrious to do so.

I hope through that you get to know me better.
Posted by Weng at Monday, January 21, 2008

tina said...

wow weng.. daghan ta kaperehas na trait. i love to sing (though pang banyo ra ako tingog as of now. Haha). pero mag karaoke ko pag ako ra isa.

a child at heart pud ko.. i still believe in happy endings. and open minded at the same time.. i dont judge people now. im into literature and history.. and of course geography because i love to travel.
22 January, 2008
weng said...

hahaha.. really? hehehe
24 January, 2008

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